Brice Prairie Conservation Association

Preserving Lake Onalaska and the Black River Bottoms

Minutes of September 22, 2004 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Leif Marking at 7:08 p.m.


Swamp white oak project needs acorns for next year (now). Anyone having access to swamp white oak acorns, please contact Marc Schultz.

Big Buck/Big Doe contest for 2004 is open. Contact Brad Foss to enter.

Raffle: The Onalaska Lake District has agreed to conduct a cash raffle to help raise money in support of the Brice Prairie Dredging/Restoration project.

Oktoberfest parking project was awarded by lot to another non-profit group.

Adopt-A-River Clean-Up came off as scheduled. Brad Foss and Leif Tolokken policed our river mile and found that there was only a small amount of debris to be retrieved. They did it.

Leif Marking reported that the 2004 bluebird report is finished and that the 2004 woodduck report is in progress.

Fred Craig reported on his attendance at the recent meeting of the Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin in Madison.

The Mississippi Valley Conservancy is undertaking a prairie restoration project this fall, with collection of prairie plant seeds to be planted at a conserved prairie site. They would like help (Oct. 2, Oct. 30, and Nov. 27). If interested, contact Leif Marking for details.

The date for the 2004 Christmas Party was selected as December 11 (Saturday) at the Lodge. This will take the place of the regular December meeting, and it is always a good time! So, 5:00 p.m. -- "Attitude Adjustment," 6:00 p.m. - eat, and 7:00 p.m. entertainment. More information to be distributed later, but mark your calendars.

OTHER BUSINESS (and more announcements):

2005 Fishing Derby

The board's recommendation for the cash raffle, with the ticket price and cash prizes to be the same as last year, was accepted upon motion by Dick Marco/Ron Page.

After some discussion, motion by Leif Tolokken/Fred Craig was unanimously approved to offer a gun raffle with three prizes (or cash), with ticket prices the same as last year ($5.00 each or 3 for $10.00). Prize categories are: First -- 30.06, 270, or 7 mm (or $300); Second -- Henry Golden Boy 22 (or $200); Third -- 50 cal. Traditions muzzle loader (or $100).

Joe Kawatski was authorized to contact Marc Viner regarding possible tent rental from him for the Derby.

Motion by Dick Marco/Ron Page to obtain hay for the Derby at reasonable cost from Joe Kawatski was unanimously approved.

Brad Foss announced that the fall clean-up date for the bike trail will be Oct. 4 (Mon.) at 5:00 p.m., with meeting and departure from the Lodge. Probably won't even take an hour of your time, since the trail has been kept remarkably clean by users!

Leif Tolokken gave a brief report on the first fall La Crosse County Conservation Alliance meeting.

Dick Hellerude volunteered some sheet insulation for the Lodge, if needed.

It was announced that a new member, Jim Frank, recently donated an arc welder to the BPCA. Discussion ensued about possibly building a welding booth with a steel table out in the shop.

Fred Craig volunteered Mary Craig for bringing lunch to the October meeting!

There was no further business.