BPCA Winter Fishing Derby
48th Annual Brice Prairie Ice Fishing Derby
Feb. 2, 2008
Red Pines Resort (formerly Red Sails)
North Shore, Lake Onalaska

The winning "Big Fish" Board from the 2008 Derby
(Click to enlarge)
The BPCA held its 48th annual ice fishing derby on Saturday, February 2, 2008. Derby headquarters for registration, prizes, games, refreshments, food, and fun was once again the big heated tent pitched on the grounds of Red Pines Resort (formerly Red Sails), along the north shore of Lake Onalaska, just off County Highway Z on Brice Prairie. The ice fishing derby is an important fundraising event for the BPCA, with proceeds being used for BPCA conservation and community projects. In addition, it provides a pleasant social and community activity. Entry fees for prizes are $1 for adults or 50 cents for kids. Derby fishing started at sunrise and closed at 3:00pm. Prizes for the top four fish in each category were: $25, $15, $10, and $5.
2008 Derby Fishing Results
- Bluegill
- 270 grams (0.59 lbs), caught by Jeff Bluske
- 270 grams (0.59 lbs), caught by Scott Chambers
- 260 grams (0.57 lbs), caught by Nick Chambers
- 255 grams (0.56 lbs), caught by Nick Chambers
- 255 grams (0.56 lbs), caught by Roger Gunderson
- Perch
- 690 grams (1.52 lbs), caught by Steve Sheetz
- 605 grams (1.33 lbs), caught by Deb Raudebush
- 595 grams (1.31 lbs), caught by Dale Lenz
- 590 grams (1.30 lbs), caught by Ben Traucht
- Crappie
- 700 grams (1.54 lbs), caught by Matt Fitzpatrick
- 570 grams (1.26 lbs), caught by Dale Lenz
- 565 grams (1.24 lbs), caught by Sue Black
- 550 grams (1.21 lbs), caught by Sue Black
- Bass
- 3.72 lbs, caught by Gab Gorka
- 2.95 lbs, caught by Matt Fitzpatrick
- 2.90 lbs, caught by Sue Black
- 2.82 lbs, caught by Scott Strozinsky
- Northern
- 9.59 lbs, caught by Pete Van
- 7.30 lbs, caught by Pete Van
- 6.19 lbs, caught by Pete Van
BPCA - Raffle Winners
- Cash Raffle
- $1,000 -- Dale Peterson
- $400 -- Paul Abnet
- $100 -- Terry Clemmerson
- Gun and Gear Raffle
- Mathews Bow or $250 -- Kerry Kopelke
- Savage 7mm or $200 -- Steve Vetsch
- NEF 12 ga or $150 -- Jim Serres
- Tradition Muzzleloader or $100 -- Troy Strittmater
- Savage 22 or $100 -- Jon Shimshak
- Garmin Etrex or $75 -- Matt Muehr
- Rod Reel or $50 -- Bill Thrune
2008 Derby Sponsors
The BPCA gratefully acknowledges the support of the following donors to the 2008 Derby: